Live music in the Stockyards, discussions about music and the music industry, great food and an unforgettable experience? That’s a music festival – Fort Worth style! 


The Fort Worth Music Festival & Conference returns to the Stockyards this year to entertain, educate and enthuse musicians and music fans. The festival will serve as a live showcase for up-and-coming talent. The conference will bring music lovers together while providing artists with an overview on how to enter and establish themselves within the live music industry. 


For four days at eight venues in the Fort Worth Stockyards, the FWMF will feature panel discussions, keynote addresses from well-established and highly respected live music industry executes, network opportunities and workshops. Over 50 performers from DFW and around Texas will take the stage to entertain the masses and brandish their talent. Performances from Radney Foster, Jack Ingram, Louie TheSinger, Abraham Alexander, William Clark Green, Uncle Lucius & so many more! 


With tons of ticket options to choose from, the festival will provide attendees with top-notch experiences no matter the price of your entry. From an all-inclusive VIP package to reasonably priced daily tickets, each event will offer attendees the ultimate in Fort Worth hospitality.  


Produced by Live Nation in partnership with Chef Tim Love and musician Larry Joe Taylor, the Fort Worth Music Festival & Conference will shine a spotlight on the Texas music scene while working to build an infrastructure where artists can establish and grow their career in Texas and beyond. 


Not to mention the music and entertainment are going to be out of this world. If that’s not a reason to buy your tickets, I’m not sure what is. 


Read on to see what Larry Joe Taylor and Tim Love had to say about this year’s festival and conference. 


Larry Joe Taylor 


Tell us how the Fort Worth Music Festival got started. 

My family had a meeting with Live Nation at Tannihills before it was finished. During our conversation the subject of a music festival and conference came up. I loved the idea. We ran it by Tim and he was all in on the idea. 


How important is it to give musicians a platform in Fort Worth? 

Fort Worth and North Texas is a hot bed of young talent. We have an obligation, I feel, to nurture and promote our own. Young artists now have the opportunity to not only perform for an audience of fans, agents, management companies, record labels and talent buyers but to also be able to listen to world class industry people talking about everything from songwriting to touring and they can do it right here at home. 


What artists/musicians/acts are you eager to see in this year’s lineup? Any newcomers that you’re particularly excited about?   

There’s a ton of talent headed our way the end of February. So it’s hard to single out any. There are talented songwriters at all different stages of development. Here are a few that I think we will hear a lot about in the very near future. 

Nick Brumley, Presley Haile and Race Ricketts will be doing a show in the Cowboy Channel Studio and I would not miss this show. Their harmonies are the best I’ve heard in a very long time. 

Angel White performed last year. He’s another "don’t miss this show" You will thank me later. 


What do you envision for the future of Fort Worth’s music scene? 

I would like to see this festival and conference grow to include not only the Stockyards venues but to include multiple venues all across Fort Worth and to eventually become a platform for all genres on music. 


Tim Love 


Tell us how the Fort Worth Music Festival got started. 

Larry Anthony and I have been discussing a festival of this type for a few years. After the opening of Tannahill's, we knew it was time to showcase Fort Worth, the Stockyards, and what Texas music offers the nation and the world. Also, we wanted to make a conference component to help people in the industry in Texas have a place to gather and exchange ideas. 


How important is it to give musicians a platform in Fort Worth? 

The music industry took a massive hit after COVID. FWMF provides an incredible opportunity not only for artists but also for industry professionals a place to showcase their talents. This is very important to keep pushing live music forward. 


What artists/musicians/acts are you eager to see in this year’s lineup? Any newcomers that you’re particularly excited about? 

I'm especially excited to see Ben Kweller, Calder Allen, and Katie Offerman! Three completely different sounds and all are destined to pop soon! 


What do you envision for the future of Fort Worth’s music scene? 

I'm not in the business of predicting the future, but at present, I see the Fort Worth music scene on the cusp of becoming the new live music capital of Texas!